On November 9th, Young Americans for Freedom at Michigan Tech hosted George Harbinson, who presented a lecture titled The Victims of Socialism. George Harbison is a writer, speaker, political activist and contributor to the Young American Foundation. He prepared and delivered this lecture for the first time in 2016 at the request of students from the University of California at Riverside. Since then, he has been invited to many campuses and student conferences to educate students on the death and destruction caused by the socialist regimes in the twentieth century, particularly the Soviet Union, China and Cambodia. The presentation reveals the looming threat of the destructive ideology of socialism, communism, and consists of narrative that put into perspective the staggering death toll, pain, and suffering inflicted on the citizens of these socialist regimes.
The students who attended the lecture were "blown away" by the millions of deaths brought about by socialist regimes struggling for power and control over a civilian population. They were also shocked to find that most of the murders were the results of socialism, not communism, debunking the common misconception that socialism is somehow not as dangerous as communism. In the presentation Mr. Harbinson introduced the students to the Ukrainian Holodomor, which the students were appalled they had not previously been taught about. The presentation shreds the "political spectrum" typically presented instructionally today and presents a much more accurate alternative.
For those who could not attend the lecture, a similar presentation can be found here.