The Global Liberty Institute, together with the Salem Center for Policy at the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas and Hillsdale College Academy for Science & Freedom, organized an important invitation-only policy forum in Washington, DC on October 21 entitled, "Reversing the Ideological Takeover of Universities." This half-day forum addressed the unprecedented tragedy of our times, which is that our universities have become the hubs for indoctrinating young minds in a destructive woke ideology instead of being centers for the free exchange of ideas, liberty, and freedom of expression.
The organizers, including Scott W. Atlas, MD, from the Hoover Institution of Stanford University, Dr. Richard Lowery from the Texas McCombs Salem Center at the University of Texas, and Dr. Joshua Rauh from the Hoover Institution of Stanford University, brought more than two dozen of the nation’s leaders and policymakers from academia, the private and public sectors, who led five one-hour panel discussions on the following topics:
This unique interactive event was attended by a select group of individuals from elite universities, the private sector and government. Dr. Jarek Drelich was among 2-3 dozen invited participants, and he was the only representative from engineering schools/programs. This meeting brought together leaders and educators whose activities, especially in the last two years, focus on reversing trends that are harmful to liberty, free speech on campus, honest science, autonomy in health care, responsive capitalism, an objective reporting, and the free market. Many participants also shared their experiences with cancellation by left progressive ideologists on campuses and in government institutions. In addition to providing a forum for the exchange of ideas, the meeting allowed participants to build a network of supporters for future interactions. The meeting started at 3 pm and concluded after 10 pm, providing strong support for the program of Huskies for America at Michigan Tech.